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Terms of Service

Partner Agencies: Please impart these 10 Terms of Service to your Client Families. Our goal is to provide our services to EVERYONE in need. These Terms of Service will help ensure that as many people in need as possible throughout our community will be served.


1. Referral from a Partner Agency required. Any person or family in need of our services must obtain an appointment through their Partner Agency Representative. Partner Agency: Simply email us a completed Client Referral form to from the Partner Agency domain email. We will contact you to confirm your client’s pickup appointment. All appointment requests require schedule confirmation from Home Tomorrow.


2. Appointment rescheduling. We understand that life happens. Therefore, at our discretion, we may allow a canceled appointment to be rescheduled if requested more than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment. However, the Client may be required to wait to reschedule their appointment. Therefore, please ensure that your clients honor their scheduled appointments as requested. Any appointment cancellation MUST be made through the Partner Agency Representative via email: No telephone cancellations, please. Any no-show/no-call for a scheduled appointment will result in permanent loss of service.


3. Arrive early for your appointment. We kindly ask that clients arrive 5-15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time. We may be able to serve them early. If a client arrives late for their scheduled appointment, regardless of the reason, we may be required to cancel the pickup appointment altogether. Home Tomorrow, Inc. and its representatives assume no responsibility for reimbursement of the cost of truck rental or other incidental costs incurred previously approved subject to these terms and conditions if a Client arrives late for their scheduled pickup appointment. In all instances of a pickup appointment cancellation, submission of a Client Referral form may be required.


4. First-come, first-served. All home furnishings are available to Client families on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not have the capacity to save or hold items for pick up at a later date or time. Therefore, Clients must arrive at their appointment prepared to take away ALL their selections AT THE SCHEDULED TIME OF PICKUP.


5. Arrange for adequate transportation and assistance. Clients must arrive at their appointments with adequate assistance and vehicle needed to load and transport ALL of their requested home furnishings at the time of their pickup appointment. No return appointments will be considered. We will gladly stage client selections at the loading dock, but cannot load items into clients' vehicles nor leave items at the loading dock for pickup by Client at a later time. Financial assistance ("Transportation Assistance") may be available to assist those in need. Please see our website for terms and conditions for reimbursement:


6. One-time service only. As a general rule, a client household (individual or family) may receive our donated home furnishings only once per lifetime (which may include up to 2 appointments to acquire items not previously selected or previously available - see below). Our goal is to serve EVERY family in need. Only after all other referred families are served might a client household be eligible to receive our services on a second occasion, and only then may they be eligible for home furnishings not previously received.


7. No guarantee of all items selected in stock. Our inventory is limited by available space and to the donations in stock at any given point in time. However, we are very fortunate to constantly receive new donations from generous donors throughout our local community. If a client is authorized to receive certain home furnishings, which are not available at the time of the appointment, the Client may schedule a second appointment within 30 days of the scheduled appointment to select authorized furnishings not previously selected. Like the first appointment, a second Client Referral form must be submitted and appointment must be scheduled through the Partner Agency and confirmed by Home Tomorrow. Clients may not return to acquire additional authorized items after the second Client Referral and appointment. Also, no swaps or exchanges will be considered.


8. Recipient agrees to Terms of Service and Donation Agreement. Any person or family receiving donations and services from Home Tomorrow, by their receipt of any home

furnishing agrees to these TERMS OF SERVICE and DONATION AGREEMENT, which can be found herein and on our website:



9. Photographic/recording release. Any person or family receiving donations and services from Home Tomorrow hereby grants and conveys unto Home Tomorrow all right, title and interest in any and all photographs and video/audio/electronic recordings of him/her/them, including as to name, image, and voice, made by or on behalf of any of the Released Parties during Activities with Home Tomorrow, including, but not limited to, the right to use such materials for any purpose and to any royalties, proceeds or other benefits derived from them. Client understands that he/she/they will not have any ownership interest in or to such photographs, images and/or recordings, Client has not been provided or promised any compensation, and Client hereby waives any rights, privileges, or claims based on any right of publicity, privacy, ownership or any other rights arising, relating to or resulting from the photographs, images

and/or recordings. Client understands and agrees that this paragraph also applies to ALL household members including their minor child(ren).


10. Opt Out Option. Home Tomorrow understands that various circumstances might compel Clients and their families NOT to be photographed or chronicled in which their

identity is provided. If such is the case, Home Tomorrow will exercise every reasonable effort to prevent the publishing of the identities of Clients and their families. The Partner Agency Representative, acting on behalf of Client, may opt NOT to have published or publicized the identity and/or image of its Client/Client Family by providing a check mark in the “OPT OUT" box on the Client Referral form.


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