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About Us

Our Story

For nearly 3 decades, our nonprofit organization has been quietly building and repairing homes in the Greater Manchester Area for those who otherwise could not afford the cost of homeownership. Perhaps you may know us by our previous name - Greater Manchester Habitat for Humanity


For more than 28 years, we truly enjoyed our mission at Habitat, which was focused on affordable “homeownership”. However, following the disruption caused by Covid, we began to realize that the vital needs of our community are much more basic and much more immediate than affordable homeownership.


And so, after much discussion and careful consideration, we decided to change our mission, and with it, our name, to Home Tomorrow. At Home Tomorrow, our mission is simple: to make shelter today into a home tomorrow.

Our Story

The Need, Our Mission & Vision

The need is great. 


For so many, and often, by no fault of their own, individuals and families suffer from financial hardship and teeter at the edge of financial catastrophe, and with it, homelessness.


From 2020 to 2022 the number of Granite Staters experiencing homelessness increased by more than 32 percent (from 4,554 to 6,031 individuals); and what is worse, children and families are among those most affected. Moreover, these figures do not include the countless numbers who live doubled up with family or friends, and who have little access to social service networks, and often struggle alone to manage their family’s homeless situation. Among those impacted are veterans, victims of domestic abuse, victims of fire or flood, and refugees of political or religious persecution.


Also, there is a growing number of the “underemployed” - those who put in an honest day of work, but cannot earn enough to afford to live in a safe and secure home. Currently, more than 77 percent of renters cannot afford the cost of housing in New Hampshire, and nationwide, one in four renters pay more than 50 percent of their income solely on housing, which is unsustainable.


At the same time, so many of us have homes that are stuffed with furniture, appliances, and extra home furnishings which are of little or no value to us. Yet, what is one person’s “extra” is often another person’s “only”. By providing our community with a service that responsibly channels decent quality second-hand home furnishings, and at no cost to the donor, we can provide for our neighbors in need while also reducing the burden of our landfills.


EVERYONE deserves dignity.


Thankfully, we have organizations throughout our community that endeavor to help our neighbors recover from homelessness and transitional housing to a place of their own. But all too often, when they receive that help and move to their new apartment, they have nothing more than the clothes on their backs; and that’s where WE come in.


All too often, we don’t think twice about throwing away home furnishings that could otherwise serve as another person’s treasure - a mattress and bed to sleep on at the end of the day, an old kitchen table that family and friends can gather around to break bread, pots and pans and dishes, appliances, linens, a sofa, a coffee table. On the other hand, there is no doubt that anyone in our community would gladly give that cast-off item to us rather than our local landfill if it could otherwise help a neighbor in need.


And so, we’ve made it our mission to partner with Agencies that qualify these families and their needs and to provide them with everything they need to get to first base, and to do it all with dignity, which everyone deserves.


Our 5-year goal is to help 5,000 families and individuals make their shelter today into a home tomorrow. We hope you can help us make that happen. We welcome your time, your talent, your treasures and your spheres of influence and we hope you join us in our mission. The return on investment is immeasurable.

The Need, Our Mission, etc

How It Works

1)  Generous members of our community donate to Home Tomorrow their "extra" furniture, appliances, cabinets, and other home furnishings;


2)  Our staff & volunteers receive, process, clean, and merchandise the donated household goods;


3)  Our Partner Agencies send us requests, called "Client Referrals" to serve their clients in need;


4)  Home Tomorrow processes each request and schedules for each recipient a private shopping appointment to select the home furnishings they need and provide it all free of charge - all, through a process promoting compassion, dignity, and respect. (Currently, until we secure a permanent home, we select and pull from storage home furnishings requested by our Partner Agency who works with the Client.)


5)  At the time of selection, Home Tomorrow volunteers tag and stage the Client's selections at our loading dock, at which time the client loads the donated furnishings into their vehicle and takes it home.


As a result, a cold shelter is turned into a warm home and our landfills are spared needless waste. Hence, our community becomes more stable and sustainable.

How It Works
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The Neighbors
We Serve

The neighbors we serve have at least one thing in common that we all need at one point in time in our lives - they need a “hand-up” during a difficult time.


Many in need are:


  • Recently homeless

  • Veterans

  • Fleeing domestic violence

  • Children, youth or elderly in need of assistance

  • Victims of fire, flood or other natural catastrophe

  • Those who are unemployed or underemployed

  • Those living with a disability or illness

  • Refugees fleeing political or religious persecution

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